There is a growing issue with homelessness in Chatham County. It is one that was present before, but has been exacerbated by COVID-19. We felt led to respond to the growing issues that we have been facing by bringing people together through this 501c3 non-profit organization: Love Chatham.
We often get asked if homelessness is really an issue in Chatham County. Yes, unfortunately, it is. We recognize that homelessness looks different in rural areas and is often hidden from plain sight. We also recognize that there are many underlying reasons for homelessness that extend well beyond just “getting a job.” Or “figuring it out for oneself.” As we love our neighbors, we seek to recognize and address the common elements of homelessness by working toward solutions that benefit the community as a whole.
We believe this is an important opportunity for the people of God to step up and display the kind of devotion and generosity that our Savior calls us into as we follow Him.
This issue goes beyond just one particular congregation. We believe the best and most God-glorifying way to move forward is to join many distinct expressions of Jesus’ Church to work together as ONE for such a time and mission as this.
Love Chatham is a 501c3 non-profit organization established for this very reason. It will be a common banner under which our churches, individuals and businesses can work together, specifically to centralize the many talents and resources available and put them into action to alleviate homelessness and other needs.
Our first focus will be homelessness, but we hope to continue the work of charity and healing in the future by joining, connecting with, or establishing help for hunger, clothing, healthcare, financial planning, and spiritual counseling. We pray you will join us as we seek to join God where He is already working!
White Flag Shelter
In Winter of 2023, Love Chatham opened the doors of Freedom Family Church to temporarily serve as Chatham County's first homeless shelter.